In 1969-1970, eight works were made based on the output of a computer program, which was programmed by Drs Stan Tempelaars. The
output listings, produced by a line printer where hand coloured. Selected results were copied to paper
(calque) and used to produce the black and white works, which measure 150 by
150 cm. The exact input files for the program are lost. (Some of the published
input data, do not match the works.)
The works were reproduced in various catalogues. Many of this reproductions
contain differences with the work. Here we report on these differences.
The first reproduction of Komputerstrukturen 1
can be found in the catalog P. Struycken
komputerstrukturen (1970) on page 11. This reproduction is also found in
Recente schilderijen (1970) on page 2 and an
article in Vrij Nederland in the issue of
February 21, 1970. These reproductions contain six differences compared
to the reproduction in P. Struycken (2007) on
page 108. (Knowing that the reproductions in the first catalogue contains many
errors, it is save to presume that this last reproduction is the most
accurate.) The first three reproductions have the following differences
compared with the last reproduction:
- Row 6, column 25: changed white to black.
- Row 12, column 11: changed white to black.
- Row 23, column 40: changed white to black.
- Row 30, column 30: changed black to white.
- Row 30, column 32: changed black to white.
- Row 42, column 7: changed white to black.
Note that all reproductions contain a combination of four squares with a code
that occurs but once. At row 29, column 31 where there is a black square
resulting in the only code 31 (34 in the input) combination of four squares.
Reproductions of Komputerstrukturen 1a
in P. Struycken komputerstrukturen from 1970,
Recente schilderijen from 1970, and
P. Struycken from 2007 contain nine differences
with the work. The reproductions contain the following nine differences (when
compared with the work):
- Row 6, column 15: changed white to black.
- Row 15, column 36: changed white to black.
- Row 23, column 3: changed white to black.
- Row 24, column 20: changed black to white.
- Row 36, column 7: changed white to black.
- Row 44, column 9: changed white to black.
- Row 45, column 2: changed black to white.
- Row 47, column 42: changed white to black.
- Row 50, column 38: changed black to white.
In Profile IX, Niederländische Kunst
heute on page 155 a printout is given with three designs, of which the
bottom one almost matches the work. Compared to the work it has the following
three differences:
- Row 6, column 15: changed white to black.
- Row 23, column 3: changed white to black.
- Row 24, column 20: changed black to white.
The design of Komputerstrukturen 3 as given in
the item AB15700 has one difference with the work: In row 8, column 4, the
design has a black square where the work has a white square. Note that both
the work and the design contain two two-by-two squares that do not contain
two white and two black squares as all others do. To compensate for this, one
would have to:
- Change either row 23 or row 24, column 4 to black.
- Change either row 28, column 3 or column 4 to black.
The reproduction of Komputerstrukturen 3a in
P. Struycken komputerstrukturen (which
is also copied in two newspaper articles) has the follown eleven differences
compared with the work:
- Row 2, column 45: changed black to white.
- Row 8, column 18: changed white to black.
- Row 10, column 39: changed black to white.
- Row 20, column 31: changed black to white.
- Row 20, column 32: changed white to black.
- Row 23, column 46: changed white to black.
- Row 29, column 43: changed white to black.
- Row 44, column 7: changed white to black.
- Row 48, column 5: changed white to black.
- Row 48, column 7: changed black to white.
- Row 50, column 29: changed black to white.
The design as given in the item AB15701 has one difference with the work: In row 50, column 29 the design
has a white square where the work has a black square. Note that both the work
and the design contain two two-by-two squares that do not contain two white and
two black squares as all others do. To compensate for this, one would have to:
- Change either row 4, column 3 or column 4 to black.
- Change row 50, column 7 to white.
The reproduction of Komputerstrukturen 4 in
P. Struycken komputerstrukturen when
compared to the reproduction in P. Struycken (illustration 10 in the introduction and
illustration 30 on page 36), and the image given on the website of Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (under the
name "Computerstructuur IV A, 1969"), has the following eight differences:
- Row 4, column 41: changed white to black.
- Row 4, column 42: changed black to white.
- Row 8, column 6: changed black to white.
- Row 8, column 25: changed white to black.
- Row 8, column 27: changed white to black.
- Row 8, column 35: changed white to black.
- Row 22, column 11: changed white to black.
- Row 22, column 12: changed black to white.
The reproduction of Komputerstrukturen 4a in
P. Struycken komputerstrukturen has
the following ten differences with the work:
- Row 3, column 21: changed white to black.
- Row 13, column 25: changed black to white.
- Row 14, column 16: changed black to white.
- Row 15, column 22: changed black to white.
- Row 18, column 5: changed white to black.
- Row 38, column 15: changed white to black.
- Row 39, column 38: changed black to white.
- Row 45, column 30: changed black to white.
- Row 46, column 9: changed black to white.
- Row 50, column 14: changed white to black.
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